Monday, April 1, 2013

Cartoon Skeletal Overlay

Had to make up a skeleton for a cartoon character for figure. I did Chip from Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Final Character Interior

A month later, we're done with the project! Here is Dr. Wily's Lab:

set design and final shot.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Character Interior

Character interior design! Dr. Wily's Lab. For Drawing II.

Massive Figure Drawing Post!

I havent posted any in a looong time. So here they are! Long overdue.
Newsflash: I like drawing feet. Cartoony feet.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Final Still Life

After a month of just still life, this was the final I made. I didn't like how over saturated it ended up, but I got a  good grade anyway so I'm happy with that.

Monday, February 4, 2013

TA Sketchbook Work

My animation teacher told us we should keep a sketchbook for his class that holds all of our ideas - any ideas. So here are some of the things I've drawn already:

3D Goblin Chess Pieces Final

You can see each piece separately here:

3D Pre-Production Designs

Our next project is to create a Thorne room with a clear, readable narrative. These are my two *rough* ideas:
 a birdhouse/hole in a tree that some kid threw a baseball through the window of and scared the bird out.
a dwarven entry room (complete with axes and dragons and bear-rug) that a baby dragon flew into seeking revenge on his recently passed mother (hence the burn marks)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

3D Design Works in Progress

I'm making a chess set. I currently have 4/6 pieces done, to be fired in the coming week... here are some progress shots:

Still Life Observations - Drawing II

Sorry for the super long delay again. Here's some stuff I've done over the past month in Drawing II:

 Value Progession Studies - Conte
 Still Life Study - Conte (first drawing of the year - gross)
 Value Study - Cheap Colored Pencils
 Medium Study - Colored pencils...
 ...and conte
and a WIP of our final still life drawing, done with mixed media: colored pencil, charcoal, and conte.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Break Work

I'm back everyone! Did you miss me? Anyways, here's some personal work I did over the winter break to start things off, since I don't have a lot of school work to post yet.