Monday, December 3, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2D Rhythm Advancement

I'll have a more complete one finished by tomorrow. This is my progress.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Perspective Re-POV

We took a photo and had to recreate it from a different point of view. I did a closeup of the side of the street/ electricity pole of an old absinthe house/factory in New Orleans.

Monday, November 12, 2012

2D Design: Rhythm

Had to make a black/white value sketch of a piece that exemplifies rhythm. No restrictions on size or subject, so I used the basic 16x9 and created an abstract-y sort of piece of a character slowly losing his mind.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Figure Drawing

Teacher says GAD majors should start penciling in the background behind the model, so I do it when we have 40 minute poses.

Value Studies.

Film & Narrative Storyboard

Storyboard I made out of a prompt given to us by our proctor. I got a 4.5/5 because I forgot to write short descriptions with each shot... d'oh.


Doodle I did in 2D class when I finished my project early - Dark Mantis from Mega Man X8.

2D Design - Emphasis Story

Project was to create four designs using nine elements while putting emphasis on one element. In order, I used Proximity, Directional, Value, and Color to create emphasis. Each piece sort of combines all of the principles, I noticed, so I chose whichever principle was the strongest. Each piece also represents the story of the emphasis element, as an added bonus.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Invented Car

took a WHILE, will scan a better one tomorrow. copics on bristol

Monday, October 22, 2012

2D Design Composistion

I can't remember what the theme was, but we had to create a balanced composition that depicted a story using silhouettes of pictures we'd taken. Mine is about an uprising against a dictator.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Figure Drawings 2

 20 min opposite sides
 20 min front side
 20 min opposite side
 4 min gestures
 20 min
2 min face gesture study

2-D Design Diptic Color Theory

Sorry for crappy photos. Both Works in Progress (the purple/blue one got little specks on it from tracing paper accident... sigh)


Museum Assignment. Create a Museum with three pedestals and unique sculptures.

 Observational Perspective - Hammond Commons
Technical Perspective - Cone and two Cylinders within the cone of vision

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Dipsy Theme - "Cloud Surfing"

First Dipsy was eventful. It's fun to work fast like that.
(For those of you who don't know, D.P.S.C (Digital Painting and Sketch Club) is a contest where you're given an hour or so to work on a piece with only one theme to work around, and then everyone votes on the best and they win a prize)

Some Robot Guy

For a contest.
Going to DIPSY tonight (Digital Painting and Sketching club) in hopes of winning an awesome art book, so been praticing

Monday, September 10, 2012